Greatest Quotations - All the world's best Quotes and Sayings

Online since 2000 we are one of the oldest

quotes website on the internet with a massive 63456 quotes in our database.

We have made several ways to search and browse the tens of thousands

quotes in our database. You can search by

author, author category,

subjects and a few more options. With the links on the top you can

go to that subsection of this website or you can search yourself with

the search form below:

What are quotations exactly?

Quotations or quotes are short statements from somebody's work, often

a book, article or speach. A quote probabaly everybody know is "To be,

or not to be..." by Shakespeare of course. Well, that's one and we have

over thirty thousand more... That does provide a small problem in how to

find that particular quote you are looking for.

We have made several options to help you with that but the best way

of using this website is to just sit back, browse and enjoy all the


Am I allowed to use these quotes for my thesis or book?

Yes of course! To make that easier was one of the reason to start

with this website. Mentioning you used this website will be appreciated.

Options with the quotes

At each quote you have several options:

We have made a vote option so you can easily show you like a

quote or not like it. You are only allowed one vote per quote.

At the Popular quotes

page you can browse the 100 quotes which have the most votes.

Place quotes in a basket.

This option is ideal for people who are looking for

quotations for their thesis, book, diary or other project: you

can place partical quotes in a basket and when you are finished

have them send to you by email.

Send a quote by email

When you have a great quote you would like to send to

yourself or somebody else you can send this quote quick and

easily by email.

Twitter and Facebook

Quotations are by their very nature of both being quite short

and interesting, perfect to post to your Facebook Wall or

Twitter. You can now do that easily with the direct link


Looking for quotes

The search form at the top is of course the quickest and

easiest way of finding that particular quote. But we also made

several lists so you can browse the quotes.


Probably you have favorite authors and here it is easy to find

famous quotes of them. On the

Authors page we have grouped all authors on last name so it is

easy to find that particular author. But you can also browse the Popular authors.


You cansee many popular subjects on the

Subjects page. Also, at the bottom of each page is a tag cloud

with recent used search terms.

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